Adventuring Again

Squishy face’ Alice came to visit me out at Rick’s! She came to meet me first 2 years ago! After our first meeting she came often…and then she disappeared a while only to reappear to introduce me to her new fawn! Last year it was like she recognized the sound of my car judging by the fact that she’d show up just after me. So today we are having girl time …rock hunting… And I turned around, and there she was…6 inches behind me. She licked my hand. We talked a moment. She pooped, peed, and off she went into the woods again.
I call her Squishy face Alice because 1) She seems like an Alice to me and 2) She looks like she has been through hell and back. Her nose has been badly broken at some point in her life hence Squishy face, and she has large visible scars covering her body…. probably all received during the same incident. The most visible scar being the long wide one that spans the length of her right side. When I look into her eyes…I see an old wise soul. I see a Spirit who has been through the fires of hell but refused to give up. I see myself. I know. I’m weird. I truly commune with nature. And that’s okay.
So yes now I’m sitting here on my son’s deck, stoned, typing this with a year in my eye as I realize that three years ago, I made a really inspiring friend in a tiny doe in the mountains of Colorado, and for that I am blessed.

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